Cooking to Lower 胆固醇

family cooking in kitchen

A recipe for better heart health

心脏健康的饮食计划可以帮助你控制血液中的胆固醇水平,降低患心脏病和中风的风险. The simple cooking tips below will help you prepare tasty, 有利于心脏健康的饮食可以通过减少过量的饱和脂肪和反式脂肪来帮助提高你的胆固醇水平. You can also look out for the 心部裂纹马克 on products at your grocery store. It’s a simple tool to help you eat healthier. 当你看到的时候, 你可以确信产品符合美国心脏协会关于整体健康饮食模式的建议.

Reduce saturated fat in meat and poultry

The AHA recommends a diet that emphasizes fish, 家禽和植物性蛋白质,限制红肉和加工肉类. 肉类中饱和脂肪的含量差别很大,这取决于切法和烹调方法.

Here are some ways to reduce the saturated fat in meat:

  • 选择含有最少可见脂肪的肉块. 购买“精选”或“精选”等级的牛肉,而不是“优质”牛肉.瘦肉的包装上有“圆肉”、“腰肉”或“西冷肉”的字样.
  • 选择瘦肉或超瘦肉(脂肪不超过15%).
  • 选择没有注射油脂或肉汤的家禽.
  • 尽量减少加工肉类,如熟食片、培根、火腿、意大利腊肠、香肠、热狗和肉干.
  • Trim all visible fat from meat before cooking.
  • 烤肉,而不是煎肉,如汉堡、羊排、猪排和牛排.
  • 在烤、烤或烘烤时,用架子沥干脂肪. Instead of basting with drippings, keep meat moist with wine, fruit juices or a heart-healthy oil-based marinade.
  • Cook a day ahead of time. 炖菜, 煮熟的肉, 汤料或其他含有脂肪的菜肴可以冷藏. Later, remove the hardened fat from the top.
  • When a recipe calls for browning the meat first, try browning it under the broiler instead of in a pan.
  • Choose white meat most often when eating poultry.
  • Remove the skin from chicken or turkey before cooking. If your poultry dries out too much, first try basting with wine, fruit juices or a heart-healthy oil-based marinade. 或者把皮留到烹饪的时候,然后在吃之前把皮去掉.


鱼可以是脂肪的,也可以是瘦肉的,但它的饱和脂肪含量仍然很低,而且含有不饱和脂肪. Eat at least 8 ounces of fish each week. 选择富含脂肪的鱼类,如鲑鱼、鳟鱼和鲱鱼,它们富含omega-3脂肪酸. Prepare fish baked, 烤过的, grilled or boiled rather than breaded and fried, and without added salt, saturated fat or trans fat. Non-fried fish and shellfish, 比如虾, 螃蟹和龙虾, 饱和脂肪含量低,是许多肉类和家禽的健康替代品吗.

研究表明,食用富含-3脂肪酸的海鲜对健康有益, 尤其是当它取代了饱和脂肪含量高、不饱和脂肪含量低的不太健康的蛋白质时. 将富含-3脂肪酸的海鲜作为心脏健康饮食的一部分可以帮助降低心力衰竭的风险, coronary heart disease, 心脏骤停和最常见的中风类型(缺血性).


Try meatless meals featuring vegetables or beans. 例如, think eggplant lasagna, or instead of a burger, consider a big grilled portobello mushroom on a bun. Maybe substitute low-sodium beans for beans-n-franks. Or treat meat as a sparingly used ingredient, added mainly for flavor in casseroles, 炖菜, low-sodium soups and spaghetti.

Cook fresh vegetables the heart-healthy way

尝试用少量植物油烹饪蔬菜,并在烹饪过程中加入少量水, 如果需要. Or use a vegetable oil spray. 一到两茶匙的油就足够四人食用的普通冷冻蔬菜了. 把蔬菜放在盖好盖子的煎锅里,用小火煮熟.

Add herbs and spices to make vegetables even tastier. 这是一个健康的选择,而不是选择预先包装好的有大量酱汁或调味料的蔬菜. 例如,这些组合增添了微妙而令人惊讶的味道:

  • Rosemary with peas, cauliflower and squash
  • Oregano with zucchini
  • Dill with green beans
  • Marjoram with Brussels sprouts, carrots and spinach
  • Basil with tomatoes

从少量香草和香料开始(一包冷冻蔬菜用1/8到1/2茶匙), then let your family’s feedback be your guide. Chopped parsley and chives, sprinkled on just before serving, can also enhance the flavor of many vegetables.

Use liquid vegetable oils in place of solid fats

Liquid vegetable oils such as canola, 红花, 向日葵, 大豆油和橄榄油通常可以代替固体脂肪, 比如黄油, lard or shortening. If you must use margarine, try the soft or liquid kind.

Use a little liquid oil to:

  • Pan-fry fish and poultry.
  • 炒蔬菜.
  • 用低脂或脱脂牛奶做奶油酱和汤.
  • 用低脂或脱脂牛奶加入搅打过的土豆中.
  • Brown rice for Spanish, curried or stir-fried rice.
  • 煮脱水的土豆和其他需要添加脂肪的预制食品.
  • Make pancakes or waffles.

Puree fruits and veggies for baking

水果或蔬菜泥可以用来代替松饼里的油, 饼干, 蛋糕和小吃店的食谱,给你的食物额外的健康促进. 对于许多食谱,使用指定数量的果泥代替油. 检查混合物的包装或烹饪书的替代页面以了解其他转换. 您可以:

  • Use applesauce in spice muffins or oatmeal 饼干s.
  • Include bananas in breads and muffins.
  • Try zucchini in brownies.


低脂(1%)或脱脂(脱脂)牛奶可以在许多食谱中代替全脂牛奶或半脂牛奶. (有些菜,如布丁,可能会导致软盘.)

When it comes to cheeses used in recipes, you can substitute low-fat, low-sodium cottage cheese, part-skim milk mozzarella (or ricotta) cheese, and other low-fat, 低钠奶酪,稠度几乎没有变化.

Sauces and gravies

让你的烹饪液冷却,然后在做肉汁之前去掉硬化的脂肪. 或者用脂肪分离器从烹饪高汤中倒出好的液体,留下脂肪.

Increase fiber and whole grains

Consider these heart-smart choices:

  • 将富含纤维的全麦面包烤碎(或切块),做成面包屑、馅料或面包丁.
  • 用生燕麦片代替烘肉卷中的面包屑.
  • Serve whole fruit at breakfast in place of juice.
  • 用糙米代替白米,尝试全麦面食.
  • Add lots of colorful veggies to your salad. 胡萝卜、花椰菜和花椰菜富含纤维,给你的沙拉带来美味的嘎吱声.